Fire protection and fire resistance

Double protection for your valuables

Safes with certified fire protection effectively protect the contents against fire, smoke and fire extinguishing fluid.

As with safety classes and burglary resistance grades, there are different standards with varying specificity for fire resistance.

Safes with certified resistance to both burglary and fire provide double protection against all hazards – in various class combinations.

Ochrona przed ogniem
Ochrona przed dymem
Ochrona przed płynem gaśniczym
Fire protection and fire resistance
Safes with fire resistance in accordance with EN 1047-1

Safes with fire resistance in accordance with EN 1047-1 protect the contents of the safe for 60 or 120 minutes against fire, fire gases and fire-fighting water. They must pass a fire test at the Material Testing Institute of the Technical University of Braunschweig. As part of this test, the safe is heated to 1090 °C for 60 or 120 minutes and then dropped from a height of 9.15 m onto a gravel base. This corresponds to a fall from the third floor of a burning building. During the test, the temperature inside the safe may only rise by a certain number of degrees. More about the so-called "Brunswick test" (German: Braunschweig-Test) can be found HERE.

Fire resistant safes according to EN 15659

Fire resistant safes according to EN 15659 (safes with light fire resistance) protect documents and valuables for 30 or 60 minutes against the effects of heat (LFS 30 P or LFS 60 P). The requirements of this standard are therefore below those of S 60 P in accordance with EN 1047-1. A safe in security class A to VDMA 24992 (05/95) is safer than, for example, a bookcase or wardrobe. For security class B, fireproofing in accordance with DIN 4102 reduces the temperature rise in the safe.

The safe that fits your needs
Our main concern is your satisfaction with the safe you purchase. Take our advice into account and choose a safe that perfectly matches your ideas and expectations.
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